Sunday, August 17, 2008

The Missi_g Key

“N” is Missi_g

My computer lost its “n” key this week. I just woke up o_e day a_d it was go_e. It did_’t seem like a big deal at the time. So, who _eeds the letter “n” a_yway? A_d if worse came to worse, if I a_gled my fi_ger_ail just so a_d tapped just right, the _eeded “n” would magically appear. A_d if _ot, there are 25 other letters i_ the alphabet that I ca_ use.

Oh my, do you k_ow how ma_y words have the letter “n” i_ them? I’ve typed more tha_ 20 of them i_ just these few se_te_ces. Sure, I ca_ live my life goi_g through awkward co_tortio_s to hit the missi_g “n”, a_d I ca_ brai_storm u_ique replaceme_ts so that I _ever use a_ “n” word agai_ – but it’s i_efficie_t a_d discouragi_g.

“N” is Back

Well – I don’t know if you can tell but my “n” key is back. Yeah! But all this “n-less” living has led me to consider the beauty of the body of Christ. God wisely gifted each member with unique strengths and then placed them perfectly in a Christian community. Each one is important, each irreplaceable.

Are You Missing In Action?

And so, when one believer in the body is missing, we all suffer. Sure, we can awkwardly try to fill in for the missing member, but it is time-consuming and inadequate. Or, we could try to overlook the gap and find alternate solutions but it is never quite the same.

I’m not sure what letter I am in God’s keyboard of life, probably an “x” or “q.” But this week I learned that whatever part I play – it is important and irreplaceable. I saw first hand what happens when I don’t show up and do my part.

This week I hope you will join me in whole-hearted service so together we can unite for the glory of God.


Anonymous said...

What a wonderful example of our Lord's body! Thank you!

Anonymous said...

You're it!

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