Sunday, June 15, 2008


Accountability, it’s something we all need but few seek. After all, who really wants the world peeking in the windows of their heart?

Bible study teacher and author, Nancy Leigh DeMoss, felt the same way but she chose to do something about it. Hit with the grim realization that the pace of her life had outraced the love of her life, Jesus, she courageously flung open the doors of her heart to the scrutiny and help of friends.

As I heard Nancy’s story on the radio, I was convicted to my very core. Pulling off to the side of the road, I listened, cried, repented, and scribbled some life-changing thoughts on the back of my crowded to-do list. What follows is a list of accountability questions I developed listening to Nancy that day.

Now, I have bravely typed, written, laminated, and passed out these questions to my friends. They have agreed to pray for me, inquire about each of these areas regularly, and lovingly hold my feet to the fire. I give you permission to do the same. I need all the help I can get.

Beyond that, for those fellow brave, desperate, Christ-seekers out there, feel free to use these questions to invite accountability in your life as well. And don’t forget to let me what questions I can ask you.

  • How was your time with the Lord this morning?

  • How’s your spirit? Are you uptight or anxious?

  • Are you serving the Lord with gladness?

  • Is your heart tender and responsive to the Lord?

  • How are your spiritual and emotional gauges? What are you doing to refill them?

  • Are there any areas that you have been teaching or sharing something that you’re not living?

  • Is there anything that you’ve been doing or not doing that you would not want others to know?

  • Are there any areas of your life that you are not obeying what you know God wants you to do?

  • Is there anything you need to repent of?

  • Has the pace of your life outraced the love of your life?

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