Sunday, September 14, 2008

A Spiritual High

Junior Meteorologist

As the hurricane season continues its assault on the Gulf States, I’ve become an avid watcher of the weather channel. Jim Cantore’s live reports fill my home and severe weather expert, Dr. Steve Lyons, is my new best friend.

As a meteorologist wanna-be, I’ve become quite the student of the hourly weather map. Words like low pressure system, cold front, and wind shear fall from my lips and awe my family as we linger over our morning coffee. But there is one weather word that I’ve embraced more than all the others – ‘high.’

This past month as storms threaten, I sigh with relief each time the weather man reports that ‘the high’ remains over peninsular Florida. I’ve yet to truly comprehend what ‘the high’ is, but this I know, it acts as an invisible force field pushing away each storm as it threatens to come near. For weeks, ‘the high’ has been faithfully guarding Florida’s homes, protecting our lives, and ensuring our safety. High is good.

Spiritual Climate Control

Longingly, I’ve been yearning for that same ‘high’ in my spiritual life. What if as the wind and the waves of life began crashing on my shore there was an invisible spiritual high that pushed their devastation away? What if I were so filled with the presence of the Holy Spirit that discouragement, despair, envy, jealousy, and cynicism had no choice but to pass me by? A spiritual high would be very good.

This week I plan to practice a bit of climate control. By God’s grace, every morning I will wring out self from the sponge of my heart. Still and empty before the Lord, through worship, listening prayer, and meditation on Scripture, I will be filled with Him. Thus with God’s help, I will create my own an invincible ‘spiritual high.’

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