Sunday, September 7, 2008


Literal Hurricanes

It’s hurricane season here in sunny Florida and I don’t like it. Gustav has emptied New Orleans, Hannah is pouring in the Carolina’s, and Ike is barreling down on my beloved state.

I can’t control hurricanes. I can worry, sweat, complain, and whine, but nothing Kim Avery can do changes the course of a storm. I really don’t like that.

During hurricane season there is only one thing I can do. Stay tuned. I can listen to radio updates, follow the hurricane tracker, and lock in the weather channel on my remote control. And it helps to be informed. I know what to buy, where to shop, when to run, and when to hide. I can’t stop a storm but with helpful information, I can ride it out safely.

Emotional Hurricanes

Emotional hurricanes often blow into my life as well. Trials sap my joy, strained relationships pour sorrow into my heart, and economic downturns cause us all to batten down the hatches.

I can’t control emotional hurricanes either. I can worry, sweat, complain, and whine, but nothing Kim Avery can do changes the course of a storm. Need I mention - I don’t like that?

But when hurricanes blow into my life there is much I can do. I can tune into my Maker and listen to Him. He will tell me what to say, where to go, and how to prepare. Most of all, He will reassure me of His love and fill me with His peace.

I can’t stop the storms of life but with my God, I have all I need.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Amen! Lock your remote onto God's wavelength and He will help you ride out all of life's storms.